
Binary Hex Table

The Binary Hex Table project was made to exemplify the formats of binary code, HEX, and 10 base. While making the project itself, I felt that it was incredibly simple, but after running into an issue that made the entire project a blank screen, it took me a few days to fix it. I tried to delete sections of code until I found which part wasn't working and after deleting the most recent additions to the code, the table was suddenly visible again. This told me that it was that section of code that was flawed, so I re-did it and finished the table without many issues afterwards.

Article: Cryptocurrencies

Link to source #1: https://cryptocurrencyfacts.com/how-does-cryptocurrency-work-2/

Link to source #2: https://mwi.usma.edu/era-drone-swarm-coming-need-ready/

According to the article, "How Does Cryptocurrency Work?"(Demichele, 2017), cryptocurrency is an encrypted, decentralized digital currency that can be transferred between people and confirmed in a public lerger using a process commonly called mining. A popular example of a cryptocurrency is bitcoin. Almost 2 years ago, Bitcoin peaked at $19,783.06 per share which raised large amounts of awareness for cryptocurrencies in general. However, since then, the value of this particular cryptocurrency has beem on a steady decline. Because of this, cryptocurrencies as a whole have been becoming more irrelevant in the media, but that doesn't mean that they're gone. As buisness and technology continues to advance, the more likely it is for cryptocurrencies to become an alternative to the money that we use today.

In the group that I shared my findings of this topic with, someone else was researching the topic, swarm drones. The article that they read was named, "THE ERA OF THE DRONE SWARM IS COMING, AND WE NEED TO BE READY FOR IT"(Kallenborn, Zachary. 2018). It explained the potential of drone swarm technology and how we could achieve it including all of the abilities we are already able to activate in a drone and how the strength of the swarm is largely dependant on its size.

The Great Straw Stucture

During class, my group and I created a bridge model out of straws and tape based on the outlines that we drew out beforehand. Originally, I had wanted to make something resembling a wooden suspention bridge, but after finding that we could attach only one side to a steady surface, I agreed to building a more industrial type bridge.

While making the bridge, the only issue that we found was that we went through pieces of tape faster than we expected. This was solved by having one of our group members always cutting more tape pieces, so we wouldn't have to pause in building. By the end, our bridge was the longest of all the groups and reached to almost 11 feet without touching the ground.

Scratch Program

For my project in scratch, I want to make a program that asks the user questions and based on the answers, will take the user to different screens with differnt outcomes(like the bandersnatch episode of black mirror). Specifically, I intend to base my project on the song, "Baby Shark", that, since 2016, has got to be one of the most annoying, repetitive songs, I've ever heard.

The program will start out with a screen with a single question, "hate the baby shark song?", with simple yes or no response options. If the answer, "no", is clicked, the screen will change to another asking, "are you sure?'. Choosing the, "no", option again will take the user back to the original screen, while choosing the, "yes", option will bring the user to a new screen once again. This screen will depict the words, "fine then...", and after waiting about 3sec, flames will appear around the word, "burn", and a reset button will appear as well that would take the user back to the original screen.

On the other hand, if the, "yes", answer is chosen on the original screen, a completely different outcome will ensue. The user will be taken to a new screen that states, "well than you're in luck...", and then after about 3sec the sentence will finish with, "...now you can get revenge...". After about 3secs, a new screen will appear, depicting the words, "FIGHT THE SHARK", at the top and below is an avatar wearing boxing gloves that can extend their fist and move back and forth to the user's will, while a humanoid shark type sprite will "fight", the user's avatar.

Although I haven't figured out all of the semantics, essentially, successfully hitting the humanoid shark will grant the player points, but being hit will result in a reduction of points for the user. At some point, when the game is over(probably by the user hitting a certain key) the final score will be recorded in the leaderboard for anyone to see. I'm not sure if it's possible, but one thing that I would like is for the player to be able to put a name of their choosing alongside the score that they get, but I don't know how it would be done if it could.

Schedule Project

This project used the program, glitch, to display our schedules using an array. Although it took awhile to figure out, it was extremely easy when we got the hang of it. The program worked by following the format that was already layed out for us by the example which was essentially, a variable that also showed its location, and the defenitions of said variables.

CS Innovation Research Project

Link to source: https://science.howstuffworks.com/biometrics.htm

Image Address: https://cdn.glitch.com/846dfdce-c307-4518-aa30-639fbb17ab90%2Fthumbnails%2Fqqqqqqqq.PNG?1569558124135

The CS innovation that I chose to research was biometrics. Biometrics systems use handwriting, hand geometry, voiceprints, iris structure and vein structure to identify those in their database. It's a technology that's becoming increasingly relevant in both positive and negative lights as more businesses and governments use the technology.

My presentation contained three pictures. The first picture represents a form of identification that is commonly used to identify people, a fingerprint, as well as many of the things that it could be used as a password to. The next picture shows a form of biotechnology that uses fingerprints as a way to recognize those that have access to it. Which leads to the final picture which represents how the biotechnology stores the data used to recognize people in their systems.

How a Computer is Set Up


In class today, we uninstalled and installed one of the computers in the class. Mr. Bunin wanted us to do this to show us all of the things that made a computer work, and that when we complained to him that our computers, "weren't working", we could figure out the problems ourselves. The parts of the computer that we separated from each other were, the moniter, the wifi cable, the power cable, the mini PC, the keyboard, the mouse, VGA, HDMI, DVI, and the Display Port. My group was the first to take apart and put all of the pieces back together to once again create a functioning computer.
This was then followed by making a slide regarding what we did in class. As you can see in the picture, I didn't put pictures of all of the parts that we encountered, but I did include, the monitor, the power cable, the mini PC, and the WIFI cable. This project showed us that every part of the computer has a role that it plays in the functionality of the computer and if any of these parts were to be taken away, the entire computer would be unable to work.


This program was supposed to function as a way to refresh us on how to assemble an object, in this case, a spaceship, using simple shapes and lines. This was, however, different from what we'd done in the past because we used functions and variables essentially. We would go down a list(ship 1, ship 2, ship 3, etc...), and add on parts of the ship in each new variable. This was done to ensure that the person looking at the project, if they would like to replicate it, would be able to see every step that went into making it. This, however cannot show the problems that I ran into while making the spaceship, one problem being the lines. I had many issues with the lines in the project, because lines, to me, are very difficult to place. This is because I tend to forget which number means what part of the line is moved, so it was a lot of trial and error.

This is the very beginning of the algorithm in which the first three shapes were coded. This is important because it was the part that allowed me to understand how the rest of the code worked. It also includes the background colors of the whole screen and the colors for the stroke and strokeWeight of the shapes themselves.


To make this spacecraft project, the language that was used was javascript. The project was intended to exibit my understanding of variables and functions in the language, javascript. It works by going down a list of variables, and add on parts of the ship in each new variable. This was done to ensure that the person looking at the project, if they would like to replicate it, would be able to see every step that went into making it.
Although this project was fairly simple, it did come with certain challenges. The main one of these being the fact that I started the project incorrectly. What I did was rather than adding on a step of making the ship, I just made it so that there was one complete spaceship rather than recording the previous steps in order of when they were placed. Although I ended up having to completely restart the project, it wasn't completely fruitless. While I was making it the frist time over, I had the idea of changing the colors of the small lights on the wheels which contributed heavily to the whole asthetic of the space-toaster. Nonetheless, the amount of space toaster that I've completed in the picture above is far less than what I had the first time around, which brings me back to exactly why ,y only solution was to completely start over. That is, because not only did I leave the other steps to making the ship out, it turned out to be one single stationary ship. Meaning, I coded it so that if I were to try to make many of the ship, I would have to change large sections of the code, namely the coordinates.

This sub-algorithm displays how I was able to create a copy and pasteable space ship rather than my pervious attempt that led me only to a ship that used specific coordinates. This doesn't use specific cooridinates, instead using addition and subtraction to move the shapes that were inputed to where I wanted them to go according to my original design for the space-toaster. The first sub-algorithm shows additions to the x variable and the second shows additions to the y. These represent how the shape is being moved.

This picture(that, for the record, is also at the beginning of the essay) organizes the complexity of the program by containing the entirety of each variable and its very specific definition.

Smart Cities

Smart cities use data to communicate ways to better people's lives.

Brainstoming Project Ideas

In class, everyone recieved a sheet of paper with 50 boxes on them to write different ideas for the project we were going to do. We wrote down as many as we could in 5min, and then went around the room to fill the rest of our papers with other peoples ideas.

The next day, we chose from the 50 ideas, one idea that we would use as the idea behind another worksheet, this time just displaying 3 boxes. in the first box, we explained what program this idea would lead into and in the other boxes, we drew visual representations of the program. Mine was about budgeting and it was pretty neat on paper. It involved inputing your weekly salary and expenses into the program and then the program would calculate how much you would be able to spend that week for extra expenses. It could also allow you to input a savings plan, so the extra money wouldn't include that.

Another program I thought could be cool was an undersea, open world game where the user could explore and do some types of missions. I would make the users sprite as a scuba diver and maybe include a prologue as to why the scuba diver was there. The missions could be simple things that would get the user to explore more of the program like collecting a certain sprite to deliver to another sprite.

The last idea that I thought would be interesting to code was one about combining sprites with each other. It would be called amalgamation and it would include inputing 2 sprites into the program and then ending up with a sort of combination of them after clicking the space bar. This would allow the user to experiment with the different sprites and find funny combinations with them.


In class today, my partner and I played a game called, Factorio. Before we started playing, the teacher gave us a mediocre Lets Play tutorial on how to play the game. When we started playing we only kind of knew what we were doingthough still. I started as the navigator and my partner was the driver. We started my mining trees and iron. We than made iron axes to mine other matherials with. One problem we ran into was trying to figure out how to mine raw oil. We solved this by giving up.

Factorio 2

ESpalding. “The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Factorio.” Game Skinny, GameSkinny, 11 July 2017, www.gameskinny.com/0eict/the-ultimate-beginners-guide-to-factorio.

In class today, we played factorio again. I made a server that hosted up to 5 people. A problem that we ran into is that those who tried to join the server had to sign in with their username and password, but since none of us have accounts, this was not prefered. I solved this by making a new world and setting it so that those who joined would not have to verify their identities. When we actually started to play the game, I began choping wood for fuel. When I had enough wood, I used it as fuel for my furnace that was smelting iron mined from my drill. The picture above shows our copious amounts of iron.

Factorio 3

In class today, we played factorio yet again. This time I made a server named, "howdy;)" and my friends and I used it. We ended up making tons of drills and furnaces in an attempt to pollute the world quickly. Something that was new was the biters. None of us had ever bumped into them before, so while trying to kill a bunch of them, we all died. We then decide that we were stronger than that and created a plan to retaliate and take back our stuff from our corpses. The plan was to go to our graves and while 2 of us fought off the biters with our guns. The plan succeded and we celebrated by destroying the biter's base once and for all.

Factorio 4

In class today, we played factorio yet again. This time I made a server named, "howdy;)" and my friends and I used it. We ended up making tons of drills and furnaces in an attempt to pollute the world quickly. Something that was new was the biters. None of us had ever bumped into them before, so while trying to kill a bunch of them, we all died. We then decide that we were stronger than that and created a plan to retaliate and take back our stuff from our corpses. The plan was to go to our graves and while 2 of us fought off the biters with our guns. The plan succeded and we celebrated by destroying the biter's base once and for all.

Factorio 5

In class today, we played factorio yet again. This time I made a server named, "howdy;)" and my friends and I used it. We ended up making tons of drills and furnaces in an attempt to pollute the world quickly. Something that was new was the biters. None of us had ever bumped into them before, so while trying to kill a bunch of them, we all died. We then decide that we were stronger than that and created a plan to retaliate and take back our stuff from our corpses. The plan was to go to our graves and while 2 of us fought off the biters with our guns. The plan succeded and we celebrated by destroying the biter's base once and for all.

Factorio 6

In class today, we played factorio yet again. This time I made a server named, "howdy;)" and my friends and I used it. We ended up making tons of drills and furnaces in an attempt to pollute the world quickly. Something that was new was the biters. None of us had ever bumped into them before, so while trying to kill a bunch of them, we all died. We then decide that we were stronger than that and created a plan to retaliate and take back our stuff from our corpses. The plan was to go to our graves and while 2 of us fought off the biters with our guns. The plan succeded and we celebrated by destroying the biter's base once and for all.

Factorio 6

In class today, we played factorio yet again. This time I made a server named, "howdy;)" and my friends and I used it. We ended up making tons of drills and furnaces in an attempt to pollute the world quickly. Something that was new was the biters. None of us had ever bumped into them before, so while trying to kill a bunch of them, we all died. We then decide that we were stronger than that and created a plan to retaliate and take back our stuff from our corpses. The plan was to go to our graves and while 2 of us fought off the biters with our guns. The plan succeded and we celebrated by destroying the biter's base once and for all.

Factorio 7

In class today, we played factorio yet again. This time I made a server named, "howdy;)" and my friends and I used it. We ended up making tons of drills and furnaces in an attempt to pollute the world quickly. Something that was new was the biters. None of us had ever bumped into them before, so while trying to kill a bunch of them, we all died. We then decide that we were stronger than that and created a plan to retaliate and take back our stuff from our corpses. The plan was to go to our graves and while 2 of us fought off the biters with our guns. The plan succeded and we celebrated by destroying the biter's base once and for all.

Factorio 8

In class today, we played factorio yet again. This time I made a server named, "howdy;)" and my friends and I used it. We ended up making tons of drills and furnaces in an attempt to pollute the world quickly. Something that was new was the biters. None of us had ever bumped into them before, so while trying to kill a bunch of them, we all died. We then decide that we were stronger than that and created a plan to retaliate and take back our stuff from our corpses. The plan was to go to our graves and while 2 of us fought off the biters with our guns. The plan succeded and we celebrated by destroying the biter's base once and for all.

Tik Tak Toe(but with a r o b o t)

Today, I played Tik Tak Toe with a robot. The robot wasn't that great at it, but you could tell it sure was trying. I won. I was the x's and the robot was the o's. I started with the middle spot and the robot went with the upper left corner. i then countered by blocking the robot off from going horizontally, however the robot still went for it, securing it's spot in the upper right corner. I then thought, "how could this be? I thought the robot to be a formitable foe, and yet-! Is it even fair? to go for the kill? Oh dear god allow me this one mercy... take pity on the poor madman I call robot for, I shall silence him." And so I did... robot, DOD 3/9.2020

Tik Tak Toe2 (but with the same r o b o t)

Today, I played Tik Tak Toe with a robot. The robot wasn't that great at it, but you could tell it sure was trying. I won. I was the x's and the robot was the o's. I started with the middle spot and the robot went with the upper left corner. i then countered by blocking the robot off from going horizontally, however the robot still went for it, securing it's spot in the upper right corner. I then thought, "how could this be? I thought the robot to be a formitable foe, and yet-! Is it even fair? to go for the kill? Oh dear god allow me this one mercy... take pity on the poor madman I call robot for, I shall silence him." And so I did... robot, DOD 3/9.2020

Bounce Project(Graphic Object Arrays)

How did I start my bounce project you ask? Well, funny story(actually maybe it's not that funny), it all started when I went to my jumprope and saw like a bajillion missing assignments while an anxiety attack